

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

First Dinner with "the fam": Lucci di testa


So it has been a really long time since I have written last, but I have been supper busy with school. I am finally able to sit down and write about my fun night that I had tonight.

Kate and I had our first dinner with our adoptive family, the Zenitti family. I was a little bummed that it was tonight because I have two midterms to study for, two stat assignment to complete, and two sociology inquirries to write! I have been a little overwhelmed but this week is almost done and on Friday I am going to Pompeii! I was also really nervous because our family know very little to no English and my Italian is not good, at all.

Kate and I were told that we were going to be picked up between the times of 7:30 and 7:45. Well, 8:10 roles around and we are still waiting for the family to pick us up. Kate and I were getting a bit anxious because we had a lot of studying to do for our Italian midterm tomorrow and we had thought that maybe they had forgotten us. But finally our family arrived. They picked us up and drove us to their house which is actually very close to our villa. On the ride over I was becoming more and more excited for the dinner. My reluctance was wearing away. In the car ride over we were able to talk about different things, all in Italian. I was noticing that I was able to understand them better and I was able to semi-converse back.

We arrived at the house, which was a cute little partment complex with the whole buzz-up-to-the-apartment to let yourself in. After being buzzed in, we climbed five flights of stairs to their apartment. The apartment was so homey with pictures and clutter. I liked it because I felt comfortable there. Guiliette, the daughter, took kate and I into her bedroom and showed us her book collection and where she studies and all her celebrity posters. We really connected because we have similar book taste, celebrity crushes and the same film taste. One of the posters was of the Lion King. It was cool to see something familiar in a foreign land.

After a couple of minutes Claudio, the father, annouced that cena, dinner, was ready. The first course was spaghetti which I have to say (sorry mom) was the best spaghetti I have had. Cladio gave me some pepper sauce to add to my spaghetti, which made it really good and it had a little kick. The next course was potatoes and rabbit, yes rabbit. I have never had rabbit before but it was really good. Kate felt a little bad because she kept thinking she was eating thumper but the whole course was delicious. Claudio was telling me, all in italian, that these potatoes were the best because they were grown in the mountains. He said that potatoes grown in the mountains are better, which I will have to agree. Their flavor was so rich and perfect. Then for dessert the mother brought out grapes, walnuts and a flourless chocolate torte. The torte was so rich and smooth. It was so delicious. Along with dessert we were served a dessert wine which was alright, a bit strong. But Claudio also served us Sicino(?) a.k.a. Italian moonshine! It was only a small bit, less than a shot but once the liquid hit my mouth it immediatley evaporated, it was that strong. blah! But Cladio explaing to us that he made this Sicino himself and he handpicked his supplies in Fiesole. He then got up to get the bottle to show us and it looked like there were either mussles or clams in the bottle. It was all very interesting.

After dinner we sat around and just chatted for about thirty minutes. It was a very pleasant evening and I ended up really enjoying the night. My adoptive family is so nice and welcoming. I am really glad I went tonight, it was definielty worth taking a break from studying. They invited Kate and I to dinner again and the daughter invited us to go shopping. I am excited to get to know Guiliette and the rest of the family!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


So this was my second weekend to travel and Kate, Andrea, Maddy and I decided to take a day trip to Assisi and Perugia. On our three hour train ride to Assisi, we passed through Perugia and to our surprise saw that there wasn't really much to it. Although once we arrived to Assisi everyone immediatley agreed to stay in Assisi for the day instead of going to Perugia. Assisi was beautiful. The train ride in was so peaceful and relaxing. Andrea and I couldn't stop looking out the windows to see beautiful country sides with vineyards, sunflower fields (which sadly enough are not in season) and Tuscan villas everywhere! We even saw this old medieval fortress on a hill.

About three hours later we finally arive in Assisi. Once we got there we looked around to see where we could by out bus fare for the ride into the center of town where St. Francis's church is located. I went up to the bar and all in Italian asked if this was the place I could by my bus ticket and how many I needed. I was pretty excited that I didn't have to use any english!

On the bus we were riding along more country side which its beauty will never cease to amaze me. It was a winding road and once we took the last curve we came upon the town of Assisi. It was breath taking. The whole town is situated on top of a hill. All the house are clumped together, it looks like a medieval city. Then on the tip of the hill was St. Francis' church. That alone was breathtaking. The church is constructed with this white stone. It is as white as snow and is almost blinding against the days sun. The church is architecturally beautiful. It is open with atrium's and courtyards. Even though there were a lot of tourist, there was just something that was so peaceful and serene about the place. Maybe it was the spirit of St. Francis. The inside of the church is even more brilliant. Every inch of the walls and ceilings are covered with brightly painted frescoes. Each part of the wall had its own design and story from the Bible. The groin vaulting was covered with turquoise and stars. It was mesmerizing to see.

After spending some time in the Church, we decided to explore the city for a bit.
We took winding side streets up and up and up and came out onto a place that over looked the city and the Tuscan country side. Then we headed back down into the heart of the city to find an indoor market. The market had locals that brought their own products to sell. There was all different kind of honey, the sweetest I have ever tasted. There was olive oil, the smoothest I have ever tried. Then there was also jams, chestnut spreads, and soups. I wanted to buy everything, it was just so good!

When we were done walking through the market, we decided it was time to head back home. Instead of taking the bus back to the train station, we walked. It was a thirty minute walk down a brick road that was a straight shot from the train station to Assisi. As we walked we passed old abandoned villas, vineyards and meadows. It was a pleasant walk on a perfect day.

Assisi was truly a wonderful city. I would like to go back there again sometime soon : )