

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Ciao Rigazzi!

Today was the groups first feild trip on the bus! We started out by taking a trip to the piazzale Michaelangelo, which coming upon reveals an incredible view of downtown Florence! So you get to see the beautiful Tuscan housing, the Duomo and the Uffizi! After seeing the overview of Florence we got on the bus to head for our next adventure!!

About twenty minutes later we pull up into Fiesole. I felt right at home in this city because it was the site of  Etruscan ruins! Kate and I were going crazy exploring the amphitheater, the baths and an Etruscan temple dedicated to Minerva(Athena)!!! I was overcome with excitment because we were actually able to walk among the ruins of this temple! One could see the layout of the rooms and Kate and I even stumbled apon a Roman collonade that was fluted and an Estruscan capital with part of the column!! My inner nerd had died and went to heaven! haha

After exploring the ruins we trekked up this steep walkway that led to a church which also overlooked the Tuscan land, which was gorgeous! It had such vibrant colors of green and the hills were scattered with vineyards in every which direction! Then there were the villas that looked idealistic! My eyes could not take everything in at once and I had to sit there and marvel at all the beauty of what laid below me.

It was so beautiful to witness God's creation from the vantagepoint I had. With the way the sky was, the land and the city below, it all look as if it were a painting.

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